Salad bowls

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Collection: Salad bowls

Need the right fruit bowl or bowl for serving salad? Greengate has a large selection of salad bowls and fruit bowls in porcelain. We have lots of different colours and sizes. Here you will find the salad bowl that best suits you and your home.

Find beautiful salad bowls to your taste
If there's one thing that triggers endorphins, it's a beautiful summer salad in a decorative salad bowl. It looks stunning when it arrives on the table. A good salad bowl should compliment the food in color and expression. 
Find out which style you like best. Do you want your salad bowl to be white and ribbed, so the pasta salad really stands out - or do you want to add a bit of colour in red, yellow, purple or a completely different colour. Think about what matches your other plates, small bowls and cups. Should it be all one colour or pattern? Or do you like to choose colours that compliment each other?
At Greengate, you can get salad bowls in many colours and looks. Choose whether you like a large salad bowl in one colour, or a traditional salad bowl with a floral border.
Small or large salad bowl?
The bowl also needs to be the right size for your needs. If you have a large family or cooking for many guests, you'll want a big salad bowl. If it's for weekday meals, then a small salad bowl or flat salad bowl may be enough. Of course, it also depends on whether the salad is the main course or the green accompaniment to the main course.
It is always a good idea to have a large salad bowl in your own stock. Especially if the salad is to be mixed with a dressing. If your salad bowl is too small, it will be difficult to turn the contents. And the chance of spilling is high. If you choose a salad bowl from our Everyday collection, you get two bowls in different sizes - a large and a small salad bowl. So you're well covered. You can also see all our bowls here.
Practical porcelain salad bowls
All our salad and fruit bowls are in porcelain and melamine. They're so practical and super useful - whether you need a fruit bowl, pasta bowl, mixing bowl or serving bowl. As well as their attractive exterior, you can also use them for the actual cooking.

Great for mixing
Mix, blend and serve salads or pasta dishes in the large salad bowls. The salad bowls from the Everyday range are both tall and deep - a great quality when the contents need to be stirred and mixed.
Decorative fruit bowl
Use as a fruit bowl on the kitchen table. Arrange the fresh fruit in your bowl so that it looks pretty and is easily accessible. If you have a lot of fruit, buy a large ceramic fruit bowl. It won't tip over easily if you push the bowl a bit on the go.

Good mixing bowl
Use it as a mixing bowl when baking. It should be a spacious and large mixing bowl that can easily hold a roll of dough or bread - even when it's rising. 
Buy your fruit bowl at Greengate
Buy your fruit bowl online at Greengate. We deliver worldwide. Greengate doesn't just have fruit bowls. We have a wide range of other bowls, plates, cups and jugs. If you want your bowls to match the rest of your table setting, you can mix & match with our breakfast bowls and small bowls.